CHATJY is Your All In One Whatsapp Customer Engagement Platform

Powered By Official Whatsapp Business API

Refine Your Sales and Marketing Process With CHATJY.

Book Your Business Consultation and Start Your CHATJY Now.

Have You Chosen Your Partner?

You’ll be with good partner

Trusted by 1200+ Brands Across 18 Countries

4.5 million+

Messages Per month

Official Whatsapp

Business API

24/7 Support

dedicated assistant for our each and every customer

Your All-In-One Customer Engagement Platform

Chatjy helps businesses increase their revenue by 25-60%.

Distribute Promotional Messages (Officially)

Hello, Whatsapp recently agreed to allow businesses to broadcast and automate promotional messages through the Whatsapp Business API.
Chatjy will now assist you in sending exciting offers, discount coupon codes, and festival greetings without having your phone number banned!

Make a customer for life,
not simply a quick sale.

Are you losing clients as a result of poor communication, slow response times, and missed opportunities? Both satisfied consumers and happy people spread the word across the world.

Customers are at the centre of your business thanks to our CRM solution, which also gives you room to expand and get better. You can better help yourself when you can better help them.

3X Sales with Smart Retargeting

Re-broadcast to your Audiences Wisely to Increase Conversions!
Your broadcast audience is automatically divided into Delivered, Read, and Replied Audiences by Chatjy. Run retargeting campaigns using these criteria as a foundation.
Retargeting campaigns have demonstrated to boost revenue and interaction for businesses.

The Most 'Complete' Whatsapp Platform

All the tools you need to engage, chat with, and alert your users All at one location


$ 24 / Month (Billed Anually)
  • ₹0 Setup fees.
  • Free Whatsapp Business API
  • Access to No-Coding chatbot templates according to Businesses Registered on Chatjy.
  • Smooth On-Boarding
  • 24x7 Customer Support
  • Unlimited Hours of Live Training
  • An Intuitive & user-friendly Customer Relationship Management Dashboard with Robust Features
  • Unlimited Agents Dashboards.
  • Unlimited Messages
  • Unlimited Monthly Active Users for just $24
  • Unlimited Monthly Active Users For Just

    $24x12= $288 billing for one Year

Get WhatsApp Business API in 10 Minutes

Chatjy Platform is powered by Official Whatsapp Business APIs and is in alignment with all Whatsapp Rules.

Why Choose Whatsapp?

The only platform that combines actionable notifications and customer support is WhatsApp.

95% Open

Click Rates

2 Bn+ Users

Zero Setup Fee

Get Started with Chatjy Instantly. Pay only for the Messages

The Friendliest Support

Our lovely support team is always happy to talk to you and help with any issues 24 x 7

Your clients are using
Whatsapp! Are You?